0800 0336 150| 01256 320350 | Fax: 0870 7601421
0800 0336 150 | 01256 320350
Fax: 0870 7601421
Fastlight Shopping basket


Please be advised we will be closed on Friday the 26th of April 2024 at 1.00 PM and re-open at 8.30am Tuesday the 7th of May 2024. Any orders received during these dates will be shipped for delivery on the 8th of May 2024.
Regards Fastlight

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a purchase from our website?

Purchasing from us could not be easier.
Step 1. Browse our website and add item to your basket, from your basket you will have the option to continue shopping, update items or go to the checkout.
Step 2. Carry on browsing adding as many items as you wish, you can check items you've added by clicking the 'View/Edit link' link at top of page, from here you can also remove or update items.
Step 3. Once you are happy with your order you can go to the checkout by clicking 'Checkout Now'.
Step 4. At the checkout you enter your name and address, our address and postcode finder is very helpfull, and contact telephone number and the option of your e-mail for us to confirm your order. Click 'Next' to proceed to the shipping and handling section to confirm any specific delivery instructions.
Step 5. You can select your payment method either Paypal or Credit/Debit Cards. Click 'Confirm order' to enter your payment. Or you can call us free on 0800 0336150 9.00 to 5.00 Monday to Friday.

Do you have a brochure?
Due to a constantly increasing product range we do not offer a printed catalogue as it would be out of date as soon as it was printed.

Do you charge for delivery?
All orders over £75.00 to U.K. Mainland are 'Carriage Paid'
Shipping is worked out on total cart value, please see delivery and shipping charges for orders under £75.00 or non U.K. Mainland locations.

Can I see prices in my own currency?
We currently list prices in UK Stirling and Euro.

Is there a minimum order?
There is no minimum order.

How do I know its safe to order online?
We use SellerDeck Secure Payments to process Credit and Debit Cards. All card numbers are encrypted in the software when the order is placed using 128 bit encryption and the server uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security. When you get to the stage of your order that you are asked to enter your card details you will notice a small padlock appear in your browser. We do not see or can access your card details as they are held securely by Actinic Payments, they are not held in clear text on any web site.

Can I pay by credit or debit card?
Yes, we accept most major Credit /Debit cards including American Express.

What other payment methods do you accept?
U.K. customers can also pay by cash, cheque or postal order, please contact us for these forms of payment.

My question is not answered on this page, where can I get more help?
Just get in touch via telephone or use our 'Contact Us' form.

Secure Payment at FastLight